Virtual Simulation

Virtual Simulation

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Comprehensive support for virtual simulation training.

OT Training Solutions is an accepted vendor on the GSA schedule providing comprehensive virtual simulation training device support.

OT Training Solutions designs, develops, and manufactures training devices and makes upgrades to existing devices. Our skills also include creating user documentation and performing support fo integration, testing, and fielding. We create Instructor/Operator New Equipment Training (NET) materials, and conduct NET courses at initial fielding, and at follow-on site visits.

Additionally, we also design and implement training exercises. Using industry standard tools like OneSAF, coupled with government furnished databases or OTTS designed databases, we create complex training scenarios based on required gunnery standards. As an example, we developed gunnery matrix scenarios for the Bradley COFT SA, Abrams COFT, and the Stryker RWS using parameters from TC3-20.31, Training and Qualification, Crew.

We work closely with our customers to determine the most efficient and effective ways to support their virtual simulation training needs.

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Take a closer look at our M153 CROWS program.

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The M153 CROWS II Tabletop Gunnery Trainer is a stand-alone PC-based training device. The CROWS Trainer was developed from our highly successful Stryker RWS Trainer which is currently used by the US Army National Guard across the United States.

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