Combat Logistics & Training

Combat Logistics & Training

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Our instructors provide valuable combat, logistics and special forces training.

Working side-by-side with warfighters, our highly qualified instructors teach a wide variety of military skills. Combat skills are taught by former special forces personnel and U.S. Army Rangers, while retired officers and NCOs teach logistic skills.

Whether marksmanship, close quarter combat, physical training or day and night operations training, OT Training Solutions provides valuable combat and logistics training, support services, and enhancements to Programs of Instruction at CONUS and OCONUS locations.

We have also provided Special Forces training to the Afghan National Army at various training locations. The scope of this training included physical conditioning, small arms and crew-served weapons training, explosive breaching, rotary-wing insertion, and close-quarter battle.

OT Training Solutions also provides program enhancement and staff-level mentors for Afghan National Army Special Forces units.

The OT Training Solutions team is successfully training S1-S4 and S6 battalion level staff functions, including Armorer/Gunsmith, Combat Medics, Communications, Equipment Maintenance, Facility Engineering, Food Services, Forward Service Support Company, Intelligence and Security, Logistics, Personnel, and Property Book.

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